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Certified Used Cars
fast fair done Unifi Car
Let Your Car Find Its New Ways: Buy Used Cars at your Tips.

How It Works !


Choose From Top used cars

Wide range of cars with more than 210 points inspection.


Take a Test drive

We Provide clean and sanitized cars for each test drive.


Easy Payment Method

We Provide online payment Option with doorstep delivery.

Unifi Car
Why Choose Us

We are Qualified & Professional Giving Best Services

Selling a car through Unifi Cars is a hassle-free and flawless experience. Excellent customer service from inquiry till the final settlement of the amount, everything is super easygoing.

View Our Inventory

Before each car is even listed, it goes through a rigorous evaluation process - so you can be sure you're buying a second-hand car in as good a condition as it can be in. Every car undergoes a thorough inspection - 150+ checkpoint quality tests need to be passed.

Sell your Car Now !

Selling a car through Unifi Cars is a hassle-free and flawless experience. Excellent customer service from inquiry till the final settlement of the amount, everything is super easygoing.. Here we make the selling process seamless and easygoing.

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Their Good Reviews Motivate Us to Do More

What our clients Are Saying

Unifi Car
testimonials unificars

Excellent customer service from inquiry till the final settlement of the amount, everything is super easygoing.

Abhishek, Agra
testimonials unificars

While selling the cars via Unifi cars you don't need to be restless as the whole process is very transparent and prompt.

Geeta, Gujarat
testimonials unificars

The entire process was completely online, and after a few hours, we received the Car at home as well.

Snigdha, Delhi
testimonials unificars

Delighted with the behavior of staff members of Unifi Cars, very efficient, customer friendly, soft-spoken, and patient staff.

Partha, Gurgaon
testimonials unificars

I had an awesome and seamless experience in selling my Maruti Suzuki ciaz with Unifi Cars they offer the best deals

Snigdha, Delhi
testimonials unificars

All over the interaction was extremely great and I highly recommend Unifi Cars for selling the cars.

Geeta, Gujarat

Frequently Asked Questions

Unifi Cars

Yes, Most cities have access to it. Please use the convenience of your home to arrange an inspection. We'll come over at a time that works for you, look over the vehicle, negotiate the best deal for you, and move things along. Please plan a home inspection visit at unifi cars or get in touch with us at

In case there might be a wait, we advise you to reserve a time slot. Visit, choose the specifics of your vehicle, and schedule an appointment Choose the Request a Home Inspection option. You can also call us at and speak to a representative to reserve a space. You are now ready! We will examine the vehicle, negotiate the best deal for you, and move forward!

In addition to gaining knowledge about the automobile's overall condition, the main goal of a car evaluation is to make it possible to generate a price quote for the assessed car from the market.

It's a fact that each used automobile is unique, and it's also true that not everyone is aware of the extensive paperwork required for a car transfer. Include the hassle of visiting various dealers, learning the procedure, and then wishing that your choice to sell the automobile at a particular price to a particular dealership was the right one. Therefore, we are attempting to simplify life. We provide the following:
  1. • Visit us once, and we'll give you the best offer we could find by simultaneously auctioning off your car via several channels throughout India. No fuss of waiting around for many bidders to arrive or gathering estimates from various purchasers over the course of days
  2. • Alternatively, choose Home Inspection, and we will come to your door to inspect the vehicle without you having to visit us even once.
  3. • The best prices: We've been working hard in this business for years and have gathered information from all over the nation from different sources, including our network of channel
  4. • There is no waiting to receive your money. Without charging extra, we provide one of the industry's quickest money transfers. The majority of our clients get their money the same day! Selling a car requires extensive documentation, possibly involving many trips to the RTO, and is not like selling a typical transportable item. The most fundamental of these is RC transfer.

Typically, our branches are open from 10 am to 6:30 pm. Additionally, certain branches observe various weekly off-day schedules. You may view the opening and closing times of the particular branch while making appointments on the Internet.